
Honorary Professorship for IMB’s Christoph Cremer

The appointment recognizes pioneering work in the development of superresolution microscopy methods for analyzing the structure of the genome within cell nuclei. [more]


IMB Scientists Discover a Novel Role for Topoisomerases

Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz have identified a novel role for topoisomerase proteins... [more]


Dr Petra Beli joins IMB as research group leader

She will be supported by a prestigious Emmy Noether award from the DFG... [more]


IMB to host the 5th EpiGeneSys workshop

The event focuses on the applications of epigenomics technologies… [more]


IMB-Ci3 Life Science Career Day

This event for undergraduates, PhD students & postdocs is being held at IMB on 5 July... [more]


Dr Julian König establishes research group at IMB

Molecular mechanisms of post-transcriptional gene regulation will be studied... [more]


Vijay Tiwari receives Bruno Speck Award

The award recognises outstanding work in the fields of haematology & stem cell biology... [more]