Protein Production

The Protein Production Core Facility provides support with the design, expression and purification of recombinant proteins. Recombinant proteins are widely used in the life sciences for experimental techniques, ranging from crystallography to antibody generation and activity assays with purified enzymes.

The Protein Production Core Facility supports researchers throughout the process of protein production, from the design of DNA-constructs for cloning, expression and purification, up to analysis. The facility maintains E. coli and insect cell cultures, which are used for protein expression. A core part of the service the facility offers is to provide up-to-date information and personalised advice to researchers about their protein expression experiments. 

Specific services offered by the Protein Production Core Facility include:

  • Cloning support in designing expression vectors and baculovirus
  • Amplification of high-titer virus stocks for insect cell culture
  • Large-scale expression of recombinant proteins in insect cells and E. coli
  • Purification of recombinant proteins, using different chromatography methods on ÄKTA system

For further information please contact the Head of the Protein Production Core Facility, Dr Martin Möckel.