Proteomics Core Facility

Overview  Head of the Core Facility  Core Facility Members  Publications 

The Proteomics Core Facility provides advanced mass spectrometry techniques and flexible, tailored solutions to meet diverse research needs.

The Proteomics Core Facility provides you with mass spectrometry services so you can easily assess protein abundance changes and interactions, map modifications and binding interfaces and more. With the advanced technologies available in our facility, we can perform quantitative profiling of thousands of proteins in a single measurement run.

We support and collaborate with research groups at IMB, Mainz University and beyond, helping you address your scientific questions wherever proteomics plays an important role. Our team members consist of both wet- and dry-lab scientists who together possess a broad range of research experience and technical expertise. We also work closely with you on downstream bioinformatic data analysis to support you in making discoveries from your data.

The Proteomics Core Facility is also part of the SFB 1361 (Z02 project).

We advise and support you in the experimental design of each project and offer tailored solutions that range from gel band identification to quantitative analysis of complex samples. We support multiple quantitation strategies (label-free, SILAC, di-methyl, TMT), PTM mappings (acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitylation) and structural studies using crosslinking mass spectrometry.

A project meeting is required to initiate a project. Please contact our team to schedule a meeting (proteomics(at)

Key instruments

We operate three high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometers coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography systems.

Lectures & courses

Modern Techniques in the Life Sciences: Proteomics Lecture

Proteomics Data Analysis Course: Course looks deeper into MaxQuant output. Understand the tables and learn which columns are important to trust your enriched proteins. We look into examples of labeled (SILAC/Dimethyl) and label-free quantified experiments.

Proteomics Practical Course: Students will learn all the steps from sample submission to in-gel digestion and loading the sample into the mass spectrometer. On the 3rd day, we will look into raw data analysis with Max Quant and will have a brief look into analysis of results. The incubation time will be filled with in depth information on mass spectrometry technology, its possibilities and limits as well as planning your mass spec experiment.

Lectures are open to everyone. Practical courses require registration and course fees may apply. 

Acknowledgements/ Co-authorships

“An acknowledgement of the Core Facilities in your publication is important and more than just a nice way to say thank you. Your acknowledgement matters!”

Acknowledgements are the currency by which Core Facilities are measured: they help us prove our value and our contribution to research results.  Acknowledging Core Facilities shows that we are important partners in the scientific community, and it allows us to maintain funding and make further investment in the Core Facilities. In the case that Core Facility staff members have contributed significantly to your research project, we ask that you treat them the same way you would treat any other collaborator and consider a co-authorship

Specific examples of how to properly acknowledge our Core Facilities can be viewed on our Intranet. In accordance with DFG recommendations, we furthermore ask that you acknowledge any instrumentation that is funded through a DFG major instrumentation grant by including the corresponding project number. 


SFB 1361 (Z02 project)