Participating Groups

Roopesh Anand  Petra Beli  René Ketting  Anton Khmelinskii  Nard Kubben  Katja Luck  Christof Niehrs  Jan Padeken  Stamatis Papathanasiou  Katharina Papsdorf  Sandra Schick  Helle Ulrich  Siyao Wang  Sina Wittmann 

Biology of ageing & ageing-related diseases

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is an extremely rare premature ageing disease in which patients age six times faster than normal. The disease is caused by a mutation in the lamin A gene, which causes an aberrantly spliced form of lamin A called progerin to be produced. In my lab, we study ageing by inducing progerin expression in a genetically engineered cell system and then using high-throughput imaging and genome-wide screening technologies to investigate the molecular mechanisms that drive cellular ageing. We are interested in understanding how progerin disrupts proteostasis in the cell, as well as identifying new anti-ageing pathways that can be used to treat disease.

Research website

Positions held

  • Since 2021: Group Leader, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz
  • 2015 ‐ 2019: NIH Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA
  • 2011 ‐ 2015: NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA


  • 2004 ‐ 2010: PhD in Molecular Biology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
  • 2001 ‐ 2004: MSc in Biological Health Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
  • 2000 ‐ 2001: BS in Health Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Selected publications by Nard Kubben

Kreienkamp R*, Graziano S*, Coll-Bonfill N*, Bedia-Diaz G, Cybulla E, Vindigni A, Dorsett D, Kubben N, Batista LFZ and Gonzalo S (2018) A cell-intrinsic interferon-like response links replication stress to cellular aging caused by progerinCell Rep, 22:2006–2015 (*indicates joint contribution) Link

Kubben N and Misteli T (2017) Shared molecular and cellular mechanisms of premature ageing and ageing-associated diseasesNat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 18:595–609 Link

Kubben N, Zhang W, Wang L, Voss TC, Yang J, Qu J, Liu GH# and Misteli T# (2016) Repression of the antioxidant NRF2 pathway in premature agingCell, 165:1361–1374 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Kubben N, Brimacombe KR, Donegan M, Li Z and Misteli T (2016) A high-content imaging-based screening pipeline for the systematic identification of anti-progeroid compoundsMethods, 96:46–58 Link

Vidak S, Kubben N, Dechat T# and Foisner R# (2015) Proliferation of progeria cells is enhanced by lamina-associated polypeptide 2α (LAP2α) through expression of extracellular matrix proteinsGenes Dev, 29:2022–2036 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Pegoraro G, Kubben N, Wickert U, Göhler H, Hoffmann K and Misteli T (2009) Ageing-related chromatin defects through loss of the NURD complexNat Cell Biol, 11:1261–1267 Link