Internship Application


To learn more about our Internship Programme and the application process, please check below the most frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact our Professional Development Office (email). To be able to assist you most efficiently, we kindly ask you to always include your name (as you wrote it in the application) when you contact us.

Who can apply for an internship at IMB?

We encourage applications from outstanding students who have studied molecular biology, bioinformatics, biotechnologies and related fields at university for at least three years (unless you are applying for your Bachelor's thesis work internship). If you have already completed your Master’s degree and you are looking for a research internship to strengthen your practical skills before applying for a PhD, you can apply up to three months after the end of your studies. 

If you have completed your Master's degree longer than three months ago, or if you are already doing your PhD or have already completed your PhD or medical studies, you cannot apply.

Which nationalities can apply for an internship at IMB?

We accept applications from students of any nationality. If you are not an EU-citizen and you are studying outside of Germany, please consider that  the application timeline will be different, as we will need to file additional paperwork (visa and/or internship authorisation) prior to the start of your internship.

What do I need to apply for an internship at IMB?

You will need the following documents submitted via email, as a singlePDF file:

  • Application Form, completed electronically in English in all its parts
  • Your CV, in English
  • Your certificates (e.g. university degrees and transcripts)

Please read carefully the instructions on how to apply and the list of documents required on our Internship Application page. Please note that failing to submit an application according to our guidelines (e.g. information missing, motivation letter longer than 400 words, application submitted as multiple files), would result in ineligibility.

I have won an ERASMUS Fellowship to fund a research stay abroad. Can I apply for an internship at IMB?

Yes, applications from students who have an ERASMUS or other types of fellowships for a research internship are welcome.

I study at Mainz University and would like to do my Bachelor's/Master's thesis in a lab at IMB. Do I have to apply to the Internship Programme or can I directly contact my group of interest?

Students from Mainz University are encouraged to apply through our Internship Programme, to benefit from the additional support and training opportunities provided by IMB’s Professional Development Office.

I would like to do my university thesis in an IMB group; is that possible?

Yes, applications from university students who would like to write their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis working in one of IMB’s groups are welcome to apply.

Do I need to be enrolled at university to do an internship at IMB?

No, it is not necessary to be enrolled at university. You can apply for an internship also if you are in between your studies, or you have just completed your Master’s degree and you are looking for a research internship to strengthen your practical skills before applying for a PhD. However, if you are no longer enrolled at university you should apply within three months from the end of your studies. Additionally, please note that due to German regulations, if you are not enrolled at university and you don't have funding to support your internship, we can offer you only a three months internship (see below, “IMB Internships” and “Dates, Deadlines & Financing”).

What kind of research internships do you offer?

We accept applications for the following type of internships: 

  • Bachelor and Master thesis work.
  • Mandatory internships required by your study programme (non-thesis work).
  • ERASMUS internships.
  • Voluntary internships = internships not required by your study programme

Please see below for important information on the duration of internships.

How long can a research internship be at IMB?

A research internship at IMB can last between one month and one year. The exact duration of your internship will depend on your university enrolment status and on whether you have funds to support your internship, and should be discussed with your hosting group leader.

  • Bachelor and Master thesis work: duration according to your university's regulations.
  • Internship required by your study programme (excluding thesis work): duration according to your university's regulations.
  • Voluntary internship (= internship not required by your study programme) with your own funding, e.g. ERASMUS fellowhsip: duration according to the fellowship you've been granted.
  • Voluntary internship without your own funding: maximum 3 months.

Please see below “Dates, Deadlines & Financing” for more information on the financing of internships at IMB.

Which projects are offered for an IMB internship?

In general, you apply for any of the Participating Groups rather than for specific projects. In case of acceptance in the Internship Programme, you will discuss directly with your hosting group leader which project you will work on. 
If an IMB group is looking for a research intern to work on a specific project, we will advertise the specific position in our Internship Application webpage. 

Can I do an ERASMUS placement at IMB?

Yes, if you have already applied for and received an ERASMUS fellowship, you can apply to our Internship Programme. Please make sure to state in your application that you already have an ERASMUS fellowship. 

If you haven't applied yet for an ERASMUS placement but would like to do it and join one of our groups, you can still apply. In this case, make sure to inform us about the timeline for your ERASMUS application (deadline, publication of outcomes, prospective start date) in your motivation letter.

Where will I stay during my internship?

Please note that unfortunately IMB doesn’t have a guest house. In case you are accepted for an internship at IMB, you will have to find accommodation on your own.

What is the working language at IMB?

The official working language at IMB and in its research groups is English. For this reason, all internship trainees need to be fluent in spoken and written English. No previous knowledge of German language is required.

What is the deadline to apply for an internship at IMB?

You can apply anytime for an internship at IMB. However, please keep in mind that we will screen applications only on the 15th of each month.

If you are an EU-citizen, or you are studying in a university within the EU and you don't require a visa, we recommend to submit your application at least 4 months before the ideal start of your internship. 

Non-EU citizens (excluding Swiss, Norwegian, Icelandic and Lichtensteiner citizens) studying at a non-German university during their internship should apply 6 months before the ideal starting date, to compensate for the waiting times required to prepare all necessary paperwork. 

If you are considering to apply also for a fellowship in case of acceptance to the IMB Internship Programme, make sure to apply early enough to have time to submit your fellowship application and get feedback on it before starting your internship at IMB. Please inform us also of your intention to apply for funding (including which funding) upon applying.

When will I know if my application has been successful?

The final outcome of your application is usually known within 4 weeks. Please make sure to check also your spam folder.

When can I start my internship?

The start of your research internship has to be agreed upon with the research group that will host you. However, please note that it is not possible to start an internship at IMB before all bureaucratic processes have been completed (visa and/or internship acceptance for non-EU students; IMB's HR preparations).

Is there a fellowship or financial aid for the internship?

All internships at IMB are not remunerated. There is unfortunately no fellowship or financial aid issued by IMB to students selected for a research internship. Please discuss with your hosting group leader if they have funds available to cover your travel expenses. Moreover, due to German regulations, if your internship is not required by your study regulations and you don't have your own funding (e.g. ERASMUS fellowship) we can host you for a maximum of 3 months.

If you are in need of funding to support your internship, please check this list of potential funding opportunities or search for alternative fellowhsips from your home Country.

How do I apply for a research internship at IMB?

  • Step 1: Have a look at the research topics of our participating groups.
  • Step 2: Apply via our application form in Internship Application. Your application must be completed in English.
  • Step 3: After a thorough evaluation of the received applications, we invite the best applicants for an internship at IMB.

Please visit our Internship Application webpage for more information on the steps and documentation required.

Will I receive a confirmation after applying?

You may receive a confirmation of your application via email. Due to the high number of enquires, we kindly ask you to be patient and understand that it may take us a few days to send you confirmation that we received your application.