Long non-coding RNA PCAT19 safeguards DNA in quiescent endothelial cells by preventing uncontrolled phosphorylation of RPA2.

AuthorsOo JA, Pálfi K, Warwick T, Wittig I, Prieto-Garcia C, Matkovic V, Tomašković I, Boos F, Izquierdo Ponce J, Teichmann T, Petriukov K, Haydar S, Maegdefessel L, Wu Z, Pham MD, Krishnan J, Baker AH, Günther S, Ulrich HD, Dikic I, Leisegang MS# and Brandes RP#  (#indicates joint correspondence) 
Group Leader Ulrich
JournalCell Rep
Citation page numbers41:111670
DateNov 2022
Publication URL